YFM Beach Clean Up

To join the Surfrider Foundation Beach Clean Up in Newport Beach, contact erin@unitytustin.org. Waiver required. For more details click here.

Youth & Family Ministry classes

Youth & Family Ministry classes are meeting on campus for ages 2-18. Contact Erin@unitytustin.org for more information.

Community Meeting


Community Meeting  in person and online; a review of where we are at & where we are going in 2022 with the board, staff and your Spiritual Ministry Team.

The Deeper Enneagram: Breaking Open the Heart

Students of the Enneagram can spend years exploring their type and its multidimensional dynamics.  Yet at a certain point you may wonder, “Is there more?”  Asking this question can become […]

Mystical Book Study


Recognizing that there are three levels of understanding - the literal, the metaphysical, and the mystical - this class focuses on the deepest mystical meaning. The book we will be […]

A Course in Miracles


The Course describes a purely non-dualistic approach to spirituality. It uses traditional Judeo-Christian terminology but is not aligned with the doctrines of any religion or denomination. Its aim is to […]