Winter SpiritGroups are here!

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Latest Sunday’s Message

Hear the latest message from one of our many spiritual teachers.

Join us for Sunday Service

February 9th at 11am

Rev. Blair Tabor

Talk Title: “Lit, Let, Love”

From our God-Center, love pours through us to heal and bless.

You can access your inner light and let it transform your inner and outer worlds.

Get ready for a Divine Embrace.

Sunday Morning Meditation

Before our Service

Our community is dedicated to the practice of meditation and includes meditation as one of our core teachings. Meditating with a group is a particularly powerful practice that benefits not only the individual but the collective, creating radiant energy and loving kindness in the world.

10:15 – 10:40 AM

Many Paths. One Unity of Tustin.

Journey with us through timeless spiritual teachings, where ancient wisdom meets modern understanding. Drawing from Unity’s mystical heart and diverse spiritual traditions, our classes and programs illuminate the path to both personal awakening and collective evolution

Get Involved

Spiritual Ministry Team

Unity of Tustin is ever grateful for our Spiritual Ministry Team and the individual and collective demonstration of love, wisdom and life that they contribute to our spiritual community and the world.

The Sunday Experience

Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christian Spirituality based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual’s right to choose a spiritual path. We believe everyone is a spiritual being having a human experience.

Kids & Youth

We honor your child and youth, supporting and encouraging their spiritual journey.  We teach the five Basic Unity Principles along with Unity Created Curriculum.

Room Rentals & Reservations

Our facilities are available to rent for educational or spiritual purposes. Unity of Tustin offers a variety of settings to accommodate your group’s needs. Please give us a call at (714)730-3444 or send us an email at with your information about your group.

About Unity of Tustin

Unity of Tustin is a community honoring all spiritual paths. We teach spiritual practices as a way for each person to connect to their Divine identity: prayer and meditation, spiritual study, tithing and giving, devotion and worship and selfless service.

On a campus of nearly three acres set in the midst of an orange grove, giant pines, sycamores, and exotic plants from all over the world is our Meditation Gardens, living symbols of the stages of awakening as described in Genesis.

People come here for many reasons. Some wish to walk the labyrinth in silence. Others seek to participate in one of the many classes, workshops, or gatherings which form the fabric of our seven-day-a-week ministry and focus on many different spiritual traditions and practices. All are truly welcome at Unity of Tustin, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey. We strive to create a setting where souls may find solace and where everyone will feel supported in their quest for the highest consciousness and deepest inner awareness.

Vision, Mission & Core Values

Our Vision – Centered in Divine Love, we participate in radical global awakening of consciousness, honoring all.

Our Mission – We are a vibrant, spiritual community committed to individual and collective awakening through sacred teachings and practices. One God, One Heart, many paths.

Our Core Values – Love, Abundance, Gratitude, Integrity, Joy, Diversity

Unity of Tustin is a member of Unity Worldwide Ministries, and affiliated with Unity, publishers of The Daily Word.

Spiritual Ministry Team

Our Spiritual Ministry Team consists of Unity Minister Blair Tabor, Shara Moscinska, Craig Steven Phillips and Ministry Director Mary Jeanne Hawes. The Spiritual Ministry Team has a shared vision to serve the Unity of Tustin community; each has a distinct role to play in realizing that vision.

One God, One Heart, Many Paths.

What is the Unity philosophy?

Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual’s right to choose a spiritual path.

There are 1,000 Unity churches and groups worldwide. The headquarters of Unity International is in Unity Village, MO, just outside Kansas City, MO. The Mediterranean-style campus includes 1,400 acres of beautiful countryside including formal gardens, an extensive metaphysical library, bookstore and the Unity Village Chapel. For more information please click this link:

Unity of Tustin Practices

  • Prayer and Meditation – a divine connection through the practice of talking and listening to Spirit
  • Worship and Devotion – devoting time to attend services and be in spiritual community
  • Transformation to Higher Self – sometimes called shadow work, understanding the blockages to our divine nature
  • Tithing and Conscious Giving – being in the flow of giving and receiving by financial support of your spiritual community
  • Selfless Service – serving your spiritual community in various ways enriches you and your spiritual community
  • Spiritual Study – invigorates our spiritual practice, opens our minds to new paths to the divine and invites us to open to the vastness of all that is holy.