Sunday Salon

Everyone is invited to join Rev. Shara in the sanctuary after the service to connect as a community and take a deeper dive into the topic of the day's talk.

Mystical Book Study


Recognizing that there are three levels of understanding - the literal, the metaphysical, and the mystical - this class focuses on the deepest mystical meaning. The book we will be discussing will be: IN HARMONY WITH THE TAO by Francis Pring-Mill.

A Course in Miracles


The Course describes a purely non-dualistic approach to spirituality. It uses traditional Judeo-Christian terminology but is not aligned with the doctrines of any religion or denomination. Its aim is to remove the blocks to the awareness of Love’s Presence, which is your natural inheritance. Come discover that God’s will for you is perfect happiness. God, […]

Men of Unity of Tustin – MUTS meeting

The Men of Unity of Tustin, aka- “MUTs” meet for fellowship on campus 6:00 - 7:30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month. We share and discuss spiritual topics and plan service projects for the Church. If interested in learning more, contact the office at We will be on campus either on […]

Ease of Meditation – Unity of Tustin & the Tao Tribe

In today's world, peace and inner joy seem to be growing more difficult to find, as we are increasingly distracted by the ever-changing world around us, and consumed by the fear and worry that fill our minds. Yet, we have been told by every sage and spiritual teacher since the beginning of time that the […]

Youth & Family Life Ministry Classes

At Unity of Tustin we celebrate and honor the many expressions of family life and welcome everyone with love and gratitude into our Youth and Family Ministry Program. On Sundays, our campus and classrooms are active with spiritual explorers of all ages learning Truth principles, building friendships, and having fun! We recognize the youth of […]

Youth & Family Life Ministry classes

At Unity of Tustin we celebrate and honor the many expressions of family life and welcome everyone with love and gratitude into our Youth and Family Ministry Program. On Sundays, our campus and classrooms are active with spiritual explorers of all ages learning Truth principles, building friendships, and having fun! We recognize the youth of […]