Men of Unity “MUTs” Meeting

The Men of Unity of Tustin, aka- “MUTs” meet for fellowship on campus 6:00 - 7:00 pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month. We share and discuss spiritual topics and plan service projects for the Church. If interested in learning more, contact the office at TOPIC: Applying the Law of Attraction for 2022 […]

Ease of Meditation – Unity of Tustin & The Tao Tribe

In today's world, peace and inner joy seem to be growing more difficult to find, as we are increasingly distracted by the ever-changing world around us, and consumed by the fear and worry that fill our minds. Yet, we have been told by every sage and spiritual teacher since the beginning of time that the […]

Youth & Family Ministry classes

Youth & Family Ministry classes are meeting on campus for ages 2-18. Contact for more information.

Drum Circle

Meditation Garden

Join Matt Manning at Site 8 in the garden for a time to drum and connect. We have extra drums if you don't own one. Open to all ages.

The Deeper Enneagram: Breaking Open the Heart

Students of the Enneagram can spend years exploring their type and its multidimensional dynamics.  Yet at a certain point you may wonder, “Is there more?”  Asking this question can become a pivotal point on your spiritual path...  We have become strangers to the intimate recesses of our own heart.  We have unwittingly become untethered from […]