12 Step Group
Rooms 5 & 6 14402 S Prospect Avenue, TustinRooms 5 and 6
Rooms 5 and 6
Victoria House living room
You're invited for traditional Yuletide dinner, hosted by Seniors for Seniors. Thursday, December 21st Noon to 2:15pm Entertainment - Comedian Claire Ratfield Please bring Christmas cookies In lieu of food, which is supplied, we will accept Love donations. RSVP - PLEASE! - Bev Campbell, 714-473-4297 bev.campbell444@gmail.com
We have changed the date to January 12th, 2024 due to thunderstorms.
Room 10
Victoria House Living Room
11am - Service in the Sanctuary. Inspirational message by Rev. Shara. Special performance by youth and Family Life. 5pm - Service in the Sanctuary. Inspirational message by Re. Shara. 7pm - Contemplative service in the Sanctuary. Meditation & Dharma talk by Craig Steven Phillips.
On Zoom, our Spiritual Book Group reads together a book we have chosen. We read aloud at a natural pace, stopping at places to respond and discuss. Zoom passcode: 036139
Join us every Sunday at 10:15 am in the sanctuary for a time of meditation. All are welcome.
Victoria House Living Room